Biblioteca Mario Rostoni - LIUC

Catalogo delle tesi di laurea

Facoltà: Economia Aziendale - Classe 84/S
Collocazione: 10250

Autore: Micale Emilio
Data: 28/03/2012

Titolo: Web 2.0 and social networks as instruments of organizational strategy

Relatore: Rebora Gianfranco
Correlatore: Morelli Chiara

Autorizzazione per la consultazione: NO
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The aim of the thesis is to show how the use of the new technologies labeled as Web 2.0 is increasingly becoming a key factor in today's organizations. Among the Web 2.0 tools there are the Social Networks, platforms that are having a great success in the last years, with an impact that in some way affected the lifestyle of people and consequently also that of the businesses. The evolution of the Web has led to the concept of Web 2.0, which refers not only to certain facilitative technologies but especially to a specific way to use them. Thanks to Web 2.0, companies are starting to conceive, develop, design and deliver products and services in very different ways. Through a modern way of collaboration, with constant decline in costs associated with, companies can more easily tap into a vast global pool of talent to attract ideas, innovations and highly qualified minds, facilitated by new technologies applied to organizational networks. New techniques and technologies of Web 2.0 also reduce the complexity of traditional tools, improving their usability not only by specialized users but by every user. They expand the distribution of information empowering employees at lower levels and increasing the efficiency of managers, thus leading to the flattening of hierarchies at the expense of the middle management. The main risks are linked to the lack of security and confidentiality, and a loss of control over the employees. The company may also have to pay high costs of reorganization, because these instruments have a big impact on the relationship between people and business processes. There is a need for a cultural change. Internal Communication and HR functions are potential users of the Web 2.0. Social Networks, used internally, support the development and management of relationships to track and contact co-workers and experts both inside and outside the organization. The HR function can use these tools in selection, recruitment and management of personnel. The business case of IBM shows how the company has implemented the Web 2.0 tools within its organization. IBM takes social networking seriously, fostering a culture that is open to sharing ideas and knowledge. It has instituted its own Social Computing Guidelines and has built a program known inside the company as BlueIQ, to help IBMers adopt social business. Among the many tools used for Internal Communication and HR, there is SocialBlue, the internal social networking site, and Second Life, a social network that uses the virtual world. Here take place onboarding processes, leadership trainings and brainstorming boards. This business case can be taken as model for the companies that want to take advantage from Web 2.0 and Social Networks. I feel that benefits are more than the risks that they could bring, regardless of the size of the company involved. The implementation of these tools could be more problematic for those companies trapped in the old vision which may have to pay high costs of reorganization. Companies that are able to integrate the right culture, as in the case of IBM, and use properly these instruments may prosper greatly.

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