Autore: Testini, carlo
Titolo: Lo Spettacolo nel non profit italiano alla prova del Codice del Terzo Settore. Il ruolo determinante degli Osservatòri sullo spettacolo dal vivo
Periodico: Economia della cultura
Anno: 2023 - Fascicolo: 1 - Pagina iniziale: 147 - Pagina finale: 150

One of the areas in which the performing arts have found a home in our country has long been the non-profit sector. Over the decades, practices and organisational forms have stratified to meet the different needs of performing arts organisations and operators. Unfortunately, there is little information on the quantity and quality of organisations and their activities in this sector. Moreover, the information that does exist does not seem to highlight the most important elements that characterise the non-profit activities. The future Performing Arts Observatory provided for in the enabling act for the reorganisation of the performing arts sector, also in the light of the recent reform of the third sector, should enable projects and practices to emerge that highlight the cultural sector as a flywheel for promoting social inclusion, activating civic participation and the cultural growth of individuals

SICI: 1122-7885(2023)1<147:LSNNPI>2.0.ZU;2-J
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