Biblioteca Mario Rostoni - LIUC

Catalogo delle tesi di laurea

Facoltà: Economia Aziendale e Management - Classe LM-77
Collocazione: 21957

Autore: Galipò Alessandro
Data: 20/12/2023

Titolo: Break Point: How Italian SMEs Can Manage the Change in a VUCA Environment

Relatore: Minelli Eliana Alessandra

Autorizzazione per la consultazione: SI
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In the Italian business fabric, change management in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) represents an intricate maze of challenges and opportunities. Considering that they constitute 99.8 percent of the national market, this study explores the inner fabric of these businesses, revealing the complexity of making the dynamics of innovation, leadership and organizational adaptation interact. By examining the organization as a dynamic ecosystem, rather than a linear process, the approach moves beyond the failures of 85 percent of change attempts, offering a rich perspective on new solutions. Through a "change management plan" structured on the 4Ps model - People, Processes, Platforms and Places - this study reveals how to actively engage employees, guide through leadership theories, foster sharing through platforms, and improve physical and spatial well-being to ensure organic and sustainable leadership/management during times of transition. With a specific focus on 11 Italian SMEs, this paper provides a detailed and articulate overview of the perspectives of 22 employees and managers through sentiment analysis, performed using qualitative natural language processing (NLP) methods and semi-structured interviews. This paper was created aiming to provide useful and important guidelines for leaders and researchers, serving as a solid foundation for further exploration and ongoing progress of organizations.

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