Autore: Pagni, Ilaria
Titolo: Gli obiettivi del disegno di legge delega tra efficienza del processo, effettività della tutela e ragionevole durata
Periodico: Politica del diritto
Anno: 2021 - Fascicolo: 4 - Pagina iniziale: 573 - Pagina finale: 588

In this essay, the author expresses his caution in evaluating the efficiency of the civil trial which has a general extent must always be balanced with the effectiveness of judicial protection, which relates to the single judgment. The author agrees with the reform of civil trial, with reference to the enhancement of the first hearing, but believes that the reform does not adequately enhance the role of the judge. In this perspective the author also tries to put forward suggestions with reference to the general principles of the reform of the civil trial.

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SICI: 0032-3063(2021)4<573:GODDDL>2.0.ZU;2-W
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Università Ca' Foscari [Venezia] : Biblioteca di Area Economica 'Gino Luzzatto'
Fondamenta S. Giobbe - Cannaregio, 810
30121 - Venezia