Autori: Aimo, Mariapaola , Izzi, Daniela
Titolo: Il diritto del lavoro oltre confine: di che cosa si discute (nelle riviste)
Periodico: Lavoro e diritto
Anno: 2013 - Fascicolo: 4 - Pagina iniziale: 607 - Pagina finale: 634

This paper aims to reconstruct the main issues debated in 2012 inthe labour law journals members of the International Association of LabourLaw Journals, concentrating the investigation on foreign journalsand leaving in the background the Italian ones, well known to the localreaders. Within the large thematic survey of these journals, firstly the authorshave chosen to stress the theme that can be considered the "topicof the year", i.e. labour law reforms facing the economic and financialcrisis. With regard to the other subjects discussed by Iallj scholars, theyhave been combined distinguishing the ones having their roots in the remotepast of labour law (focusing on freedom of association, collectivebargaining and anti-discrimination law) from those that have come onstage more strongly in the new century (focusing on flexibility, precariousemployment and decent work); the final part of the paper opens a viewto more specific labour topics.

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SICI: 1120-947X(2013)4<607:IDDLOC>2.0.ZU;2-1
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