Autore: Bazzicalupo, Laura
Titolo: Marx e il pensiero contemporaneo. Lungo la traccia della soggettività
Periodico: Filosofia politica
Anno: 2019 - Fascicolo: 2 - Pagina iniziale: 231 - Pagina finale: 248

The essay analyzes the complex, intricate relationship of contemporary post-foundational thought with Marx. The neadful condition of this relationship was the disjunction of Marx'thought from orthodox Marxism and the theology of history. Althusser and the italian operaism act as the intermediary for a post-structuralist reading that highlighted in Marx the material production of subjectivity and life forms, enhancing the autono¬mous and political role of living labor, in a context of multiplicity and contingency of the historical paths of capitalism.

SICI: 0394-7297(2019)2<231:MEIPCL>2.0.ZU;2-J
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