Autore: Basso, Luca
Titolo: Il pensiero politico di Leibniz (1716-2016)
Periodico: Storia del pensiero politico
Anno: 2016 - Fascicolo: 3 - Pagina iniziale: 481 - Pagina finale: 494

This review explores some among the most interesting books of recent years about Leibniz' political thought. Leibniz wrote numerous political and juridical texts, but of an extremely diversified character. At the center of reasoning, with different interpretations, is the complex relationship between politics and philosophy. On the one hand, Leibniz never provided a fully systematic treatment of his own political reflection. On the other, it is actually constructive to speak of Leibniz' political thought, since politics is never interpreted by Leibniz only "iuxta propria principia". The aim consists in understanding political body according to a different standpoint from that of contractualism.

SICI: 2279-9818(2016)3<481:IPPDL(>2.0.ZU;2-5
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