Autore: De Luca, Stefano
Titolo: L'Italia immaginata dai moderati. "Nation-building" e "State-building" in Gioberti, Balbo e d'Azeglio (1843-1847)
Periodico: Storia del pensiero politico
Anno: 2012 - Fascicolo: 3 - Pagina iniziale: 495 - Pagina finale: 526

The first large public debate on Italy as a political nation takes place between 1843and 1847, through some writings (Primato of Gioberti, Speranze d'Italia of Balbo, Ultimicasi di Romagna and Programma per l'opinione nazionale moderata of d'Azeglio)that had an extraordinary success. These writings included also a political project toresolve the «italian question» (reforms and confederation, instead of revolution andunitary State), that took the name of «moderate project». The failure of this project,in 1848, has come to overshadow the more interesting side of this debate, that is theattempt to find the «italian way» to the modern problems of Nation-building andState-building. In these works we can find three different ways of imagining Italy, itsnational future, its institutions and its political culture, on the basis of a close relationbetween politics and history. In Gioberti's work (and, more schematically, in d'Azeglio'sProgramma) there is also an original attempt to define the concept of nation.This essay aims to reconstruct this important debate, through an analytical reading oflargely neglected and undervalued texts.

SICI: 2279-9818(2012)3<495:LIDM"E>2.0.ZU;2-J
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