Autore: Schefold, Dian
Titolo: La ricezione de "L'ordinamento giuridico" in Germania
Periodico: Diritto pubblico
Anno: 2017 - Fascicolo: 3 - Pagina iniziale: 831 - Pagina finale: 840

Despite its relevance and its closeness to some theories of German public lawyers, Santi Romano's "L'ordinamento giuridico" has not influenced the German constitutional debate. The Author investigates the reasons of this lacking dialogue and stresses the importance of a renewed relationships between Italian and German legal culture, moving from the assumption that Romano's institutional approach is a viable and fruitful theory for the understanding of modern legal complexity.

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SICI: 1721-8985(2017)3<831:LRD"GI>2.0.ZU;2-T
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