Autore: Benedetti, Amedeo
Titolo: Nascita e avvio del Gabinetto fotografico nazionale: l'opera di Giovanni Gargiolli
Periodico: Le Carte e la storia
Anno: 2013 - Fascicolo: 1 - Pagina iniziale: 111 - Pagina finale: 132

The paper focuses on Giovanni Gargiolli (Fivizzano, Tuscany 1838-Rome, 1913), oneof the most important Italian photographers of the Nineteenth century. In 1888 he foundedin Naples the first photographic association of Italy. In 1895 he created the famous NationalPhotographic Laboratory (Gabinetto Fotografico Nazionale) in Rome, specializing in photographicviews of works of art and historical monuments, launching its first Catalogue in1903. Gargiolli continued his work and began travelling around Italy for new photographiccampaigns, and he was an irreplaceable point of reference for preserving, cataloguing, circulatingand handing down, through the photograph, the history and the art of Italy.

SICI: 1123-5624(2013)1<111:NEADGF>2.0.ZU;2-6
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