Biblioteca Mario Rostoni - LIUC

Catalogo delle tesi di laurea

Facoltà: Ingegneria Gestionale - classe LM-31
Collocazione: 20599

Autore: Rondelli Marco Carlo
Data: 24/10/2022

Titolo: Supply chain resilience and text mining: an innovative approach for the literature review

Relatore: Creazza Alessandro
Correlatore: Strozzi Fernanda

Autorizzazione per la consultazione: SI
Le tesi si possono consultare unicamente in sede


The aim of this thesis is precisely to combine the objectives of studying and dealing with the resilience in supply chain together with the use of new technologies in the field of text mining and text classification to be able to obtain notions both from the point of view of the scientific literature and from the point of view of a newspaper, "The Guardian," on the subject of Supply Chain Resilience (SCR); managing no longer the ordinary 30-50 texts per thesis but reaching a total volume of about 1200 texts between scientific articles and journal articles. For each of the two analyses, scientific and journalistic, the following tools will be used: Words of Cloud, Network Explorer, Hierarchical Clustering, and Sentiment Analysis in the way to have at first insights on the congruency on the topic, secondly on the main themes and clusters that characterizes the different corpuses and finally on the meaning of the different themes encountered in the analysis. Among the contributions of this thesis there is certainly that of having developed and tested a model for exploiting text mining technologies in the field of Supply Chain Resilience literature study. Secondly that of having broadened the point of view by going to have a general classification of the topics most addressed in SCR. And finally, that of also having valuable information on the meaning that accompanies the various themes of SCR. One of the most interesting insights, found through the Sentiment Analysis, are the definitions of what are the most "positive" themes in the field of SCR and which should therefore be taken as a cue and starting point for managers who want to approach or have SCR approached where there is still a distrust in the discipline.

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