Biblioteca Mario Rostoni - LIUC

Catalogo delle tesi di laurea

Facoltà: Ingegneria Gestionale - classe LM-31
Collocazione: 19832

Autore: Messa Veronica
Data: 20/12/2021

Titolo: Greening the supply chain

Relatore: Creazza Alessandro

Autorizzazione per la consultazione: SI
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This research analysed, with reference to the Italian panorama, the level of awareness of 3PLs and shippers on the issue of environmental sustainability, with particular reference to the type of sustainable collaborations that these two actors can establish. The first step of the research was to carry out a literature review with the aim of contextualising the analysis, defining the boundaries of the research, and defining which aspects should be focused on. The second step was to identify five 3PLs and five shippers of medium and large size with the aim of conducting interviews to validate the results of the literature review. This paper concludes with a reflection on the results obtained and possible future implications. The results obtained from the interviews were then analysed and found to be in line with what was learned in the first part of the research. In Italy, shippers are the actors with the greatest sensitivity to sustainable issues and have the greatest interest in extending a sustainable culture to the whole supply chain. The explanation for this phenomenon lies in the fact that, within these companies there is usually more support from top management and a company culture more oriented towards sustainable objectives. This makes shippers, in addition to implementing sustainable practices within their own company, more likely to implement collaborations with their partners, especially with suppliers. With regard to 3PLs, however, the companies interviewed still showed a certain immaturity to sustainable issues. It can be said that they are at an early stage, where the objective is still to create a sustainable culture and spread it among all employees. This is confirmed by the fact that the implementation of sustainable practices is strongly influenced by the presence or absence of financial support to minimise corporate investments. It can be said that 3PLs companies are therefore still influenced by the economic benefits that can be derived from sustainability and have little motivation to implement these initiatives as long as a payback period or revenues derived cannot be calculated. It is therefore still too early to talk about real collaborations with partners to increase the sustainability of the supply chain.

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