Biblioteca Mario Rostoni - LIUC

Catalogo delle tesi di laurea

Facoltà: Ingegneria Gestionale - classe L-9
Collocazione: 21983

Autore: De Rosa Francesca
Data: 20/12/2023

Titolo: Logistics of agri- food chains in Italy: limitations and opportunities

Relatore: Creazza Alessandro

Autorizzazione per la consultazione: SI
Le tesi si possono consultare unicamente in sede


The following thesis aims to analyze agrifood logistics in Italy, addressing in Chapter I the issues of logistics and transportation, bringing out the problem of infrastructural backwardness in Italy. This is followed by an introduction to the concept of Supply Chain Management and an analysis of the specifics of the agribusiness sector in Italy. Chapter 2 reports the results of a survey conducted by MIPAAF on logistics among 240 operators aimed at surveying the problems of logistics in six product chains. Chapter 3 is followed by a digression on the main trends within the agrifood logistics sector and the challenges it imposes on companies in the Italian territory. Finally, Chapter 4 presents some recommendations for companies and policies: to increase the efficiency of the agribusiness sector, it is necessary to encourage a shortening of marketing channels and physical distribution of products as well as an optimization of delivery times and routes.

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