Biblioteca Mario Rostoni - LIUC

Catalogo delle tesi di laurea

Facoltà: Ingegneria Gestionale per la Produzione Industrial
Collocazione: 18269

Autore: Bianchi Giulia
Data: 23/04/2020

Titolo: Motivational reasons for the adoption of medical wearable devices. Case study: continuous glucose monitoring for diabetes.

Relatore: Manzini Raffaella
Correlatore: Foglia Emanuela

Autorizzazione per la consultazione: SI
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Motivational factors that induce people to the adoption and use medical wearable devices for continuous glucose monitoring of diabetes are investigated through a qualitative research, based on the theoretical constructs of the “Health Information Technology Acceptance Model”. 15 respondents have been interviewed through semi-structured in-depth interviews, with inductive formulation of categories and deductive data analysis. Diabetics feel more secure, controlled and monitored, using medical wearable devices. When patients are not able to manage diabetes with traditional therapy, they are more likely to switch to wearables. Diabetologists, communities, friends and family members influence diabetics in the adoption, through their knowledge and positive experience. The reliability of devices, defined as their applicability to people daily lives, reliability in performing tasks well, tangibility, observability, and communicability of results, is demonstrated through positive experiences of respondents. Some people have positive efficacy beliefs about their capability of managing devices, but many feel more comfortable with external help, assistance numbers, technicians, doctors and training. Computer playfulness and enjoyment are a result of enthusiasm for technological functionalities. A comparison between traditional therapy and the therapy with wearables, but also respondents’ openness of learning technological developments, are factors useful to understand people’s awareness towards the phenomenon. The adoption of wearables is blocked by psychological fear of using technology, perceived anxiety of having devices constantly attached to the body, negative influence of other people, problems with sensors and micro-infusers. The Italian health system pays the devices, but the total possible expenditure is limited and leads to waiting lists problems.

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