Biblioteca Mario Rostoni - LIUC

Catalogo delle tesi di laurea

Facoltà: Economia Aziendale - Classe 84/S
Collocazione: 9423

Autore: Della Role Ariel Pedro
Data: 28/04/2011


Relatore: Lazzarotti Valentina

Autorizzazione per la consultazione: SI
Le tesi si possono consultare unicamente in sede


This work is based on previous work experiences in a family bussines that has been going on for sixty years. The experience of three generations of businessmen and women plus the professional analysis of the learned stuff merge together in the hope to achive practical and efficient solutions to real problems that affect companies's progress or evolution. In this particular case, the market selected is the one for companies that work with the Argentinian Government, providing the basic food service for people in hospitals and school’s (in this case basic means that you are compelled to acomplish the task for the duration of the contract). This focus adds something new to the value chain analisys, because working for the Goverment in a Third World Country means that you are providing a service where in control roles or decision power and rules are in the client's hands. During this work we will briefly analyse how company management changed in recent decades, based on how the competitiveness and the evolution of the costumers and markets changed the way of doing and thinking business, services and/or companies. Then we will focus on what modern SME companies can do to achieve better competitiveness levels by exploring the possibilities at hand, according to size and turn over. Along with that we will see what contribution a deep study of the value chain makes for this companies and what are the advantages of having an insight of itself or a clear knowledge of the business of the company. This will lead us to the question: Is there a relationship between the achievement of competitive advantages by the company and the study of the value chain in modern organizations? Answering that we will see how can a food provider company for large communities get advantages from these studies and how can this kind of companies achieve sustainable growth.

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