Entrepreneurial knowledge and learning

Conceptual advances and directions for future research / edited by Carlo Salvato Per Davidsson Anders Persson. - Jönköping : Jönköping international business school ©1999. - 122 p. ; 25 cm.

The role of competencies and knowledge in entrepreneurial activities has recently gained center stage in entrepreneurship research. Issues such as the role of resources competencies and capabilities in explaining entrepreneurial behaviors and success and the role of learning processes and knowledge in entrepreneurial ventures are providing fresh momentum to this young field of study. The present edited book is an attempt to obtain conceptual advances on these issues aimed at drawing the state of the art on each sub-topic yet inducing further research efforts. The book covers issues like the application of the resource-based view and network theory to entrepreneurial ventures individual learning in entrepreneurial settings and entrepreneurship education internationalization processes human resource management and management control systems as arenas for entrepreneurial learning trying to provide a comprehensive integrating view.


Introduction by Carlo Salvato 7
The resources-based perspective in entrepreneurship - Explaining growth by Carlo Salvato 12
Introduction: scope and method 12
The range of applicability: size and stage of development or the entrepreneur's ability to recombine existing resources? 13
Entrepreneurship as 'resource recombination' 15
From a resource-based to the dynamic-capability view of the firm 17
Resource reconfiguration and use as source of firm's growth 18
The direction of causality 20
The role of knowledge 21
The role of 'objective' vs. 'perceived' resource availability in determining growth 23
Conclusions 24
References 25
Entrepreneurial core competencies: The 'e-words' revisited by Jonas Dahlqvist 30
Introduction 30
Core competencies 30
The e-words 31
Competencies revisited 32
Previous research 33
Putting it all together 34
Conclusions 35
References 36
Entrepreneurial competence through networking by Johan Junehed 38
Introduction 38
Defining concepts 38
Entrepreneurial competence and knowledge in a social context 41
Concluding thoughts 44
References 45
Individual learning among entrepreneurs: Towards a research agenda by Henrik Agndal 48
Abstract 48
Introduction 48
Purpose 49
Frame of reference 50
Research model 54
Discussion 56
References 61
Entrepreneurship education: Scope and theory by Fernando Alberti 64
Introduction 64
Some preliminary definitions 65
The phenomenon of entrepreneurship education 66
The research on entrepreneurship education 68
The objectives of entrepreneurship education 70
The heterogeneity of audiences 72
Learning processes and pedagogies 73
Entrepreneurship education outcomes assessment 75
Conclusions and future research directions 77
References 79
Internationalisation as a learningprocess in entrepreneurial SMEs by Olof Brunninge 85
Entrepreneurship internationalisation and learning 85
Previous research 86
Conclusions 90
References 93
Appendix: A practitioner's experiences 96
Entrepreneurial learning and management control by Anders Persson 85
Introduction 99
Entrepreneurial management 100
Organisational learning 101
Rationales of control 102
EVA7 versus intellectual capital 103
Conclusion 105
References 106
Entrepreneurship and human resource management 107
Introduction 109
HRM: small is ugly big is beautiful? 110
Intrapreneurs and intrapreneurship 112
Strategy culture creativity 114
Back to the future or post-modem summary 118
Conclusions 119
References 119